Friday, January 27, 2017

Meeting Minutes - January 27, 2017

PAD Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
Friday, January 27, 2017

I.          Call to order:

            Dr. Sheila Toppin, Advisory Board Coordinator, called the conference all meeting to 1:32 pm.

            Board Members:  Dr. Priscilla Oliver, Ms. Abby Turano, Mr. Marshall Taggart, Sir Jose Bright, Mr. Mike Faass, Ms. Shamiah Kerney, Ms. Beth McMillan

            Absent Board Members: Dr. Timothy Etson, Ms. Ardie Harrison

            PAD Faculty: Dr. Henry Elonge, Dr. Rhonda Franklin, Dr. Oyebade Oyerinde, Dr. Sheila Toppin.

            MPA Students: None.

            Welcome/Introductions: Dr. Toppin provided welcoming remarks and thanked the Advisory Board members and all in attendance for their partnership and support. Attendees introduced themselves and shared their goals for 2017. 

II.        Approval of Minutes from March 31, 2016 meeting: Approval tabled to April 2017 meeting. Board Members were encouraged to review the meeting minutes and Board updates via the PAD Advisory Board webpage @

III.       Old Business:

            A. PAD Updates:  Dr. Elonge, PAD Chairperson

1. CAU:  President and Provost are focused heavily on university-wide outcomes. They have cast the vision “Lifting Every Voice” to ensure all students are prepared for the competitive global economy by encouraging the development of stackable credentials (i.e., degree plans, certification programs, training) to help our students have the competitive edge. Lastly, the Provost has commissioned a committee to identify program strengths and opportunities for growth in all graduate programs.

2. Public Administration Department (PAD): 18 graduates in 2016 and anticipating the same in 2017. Current enrollment: 60 students. We have embarked on the NASPAA Self-Study which relies heavily on stakeholder input. The Advisory Board will play a critical role in the success of the reaccreditation process and it is imperative that all Board Members become thoroughly immersed in the PAD curriculum and programmatic outcomes.

B. Committee Chair Reports:

Fundraising: Chairperson Dr. Oyerinde advised the committee will focus on grant writing and alumni support.
Members: Ms. Shamiah Kerney, Mr. Mike Faass

Mentoring: Chairperson: Dr. Franklin advised the committee will focus on connecting board members with students through strategic mentoring. PAD averages 12 new students per term (15 in Fall 2016 and 10 in Spring 2017). The mentoring program will begin with identification of student needs and formally implement the program in Fall 2017. Committee Members Turano would like to incorporate internship opportunities into the mentoring process.  Mike Faass mentioned the value of internships and the value of mentors preparing students for professional practice.  
Members: Dr. Timothy Etson, Ms. Abby Turano, Sir Jose Bright, Ardie Harrison

Recruiting: Chairperson: Dr. Toppin advised the committee will equally focus on pre-service and in-service (professional) student recruitment. The development of a structured recruiting plan will run parallel to the NASPAA Standard 4.1 Student Recruitment: The Program will have student recruitment practices appropriate for its mission. The committee will rely upon CAU resources (i.e., Graduate Admissions/Recruitment Office, Alumni Network). Committee member Oliver recommended Faculty/Students utilize the ASPA-GA table at the ASPA National Conference for recruitment March 17 – 21st, and the PAD have a table setup with MPA degree program brochures at the ASPA-GA conference on February 24th.
Members: Dr. Priscilla Oliver, Mr. Marshall Taggatt, Ms. Beth McMillan

III.       New Business:

A. Upcoming Events:

            1. Dr. Toppin invited the Board Members to the ASPA-GA Conference on            February 24, 2017.
            2. Dr. Franklin invited Board Members to the Pi Alpha Alpha Student Research    Poster Day on April 6, 2017, from 12:00 – 1:30.
            3. Dr. Riles invited Board Members to the PASA Banquet on Saturday, April 8,    2017, in the Board Room at the Cole Research Center. Tickets are $40 per person.
            4. Dr. Elonge & Toppin advised the Board of the PAD’s approval to commence a feasibility study of an online MPA program. Dr. Elonge advised the work will begin now; however, implementation will not occur until after the NASPAA reaccreditation process is complete in 2018.
            5. Ms. Kerney invited the Board Members to attend the Conference for Minority   Public Administrators conference at the Atlanta Sheraton March 15 – 17, 2017.
            6. Dr. Oliver invited the Board Members to attend the ASPA National Conference at the Atlanta Sheraton March 17-21, 2017.

B. Guest Speaker Opportunities: Dr. Toppin invited Board Members to serve as guest speakers in PAD courses. Dr. Toppin will send a list of classes with faculty contact information via email.

IV.       Open Forum
            A. Dr. Elonge encouraged Board Members to not only serve as guest speakers, but to also avail themselves as evaluators in providing feedback to faculty via course observations.
            B. Dr. Elonge requested the PAD Faculty and Board Members gather for informal meetings as well to develop rapport and further information sharing regarding the PAD.
            C. Ms. Kerney mentioned internship opportunities for students wishing to learn more about political campaigns as a PAD alumnus is running for political office in South Fulton.

V.        Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 1:15 pm. Next meeting scheduled for April 6, 2017 @ 2:00, AUC Library, 3rd Floor Exhibition Hall. 

Meeting Minutes - March 31, 2016

PAD Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
Friday, March 31, 2016

I.          Call to order:

            Dr. Sheila Toppin, Advisory Board Coordinator, called the meeting to order at 2:25 pm at     Clark Atlanta University, Robert W. Woodruff Library, Exhibition Hall.

            Board Members: Dr. Timothy Etson, Dr. Priscilla Oliver, Ms. Abby Turano, Ms. Bettina

            Absent Board Members: Mr. Keith Barker, Ms. Angela Etson, Mr. Tharon Johnson, Mr. Marshall Taggart, Sir Jose Bright.

            PAD Faculty: Dr. Henry Elonge, Dr. Rhonda Franklin, Dr. Oyebade Oyerinde,
            Dr. Sheila Toppin.

            MPA Students: Mr. Earl Watson, Ms. Tiffany Brown, Ms. Rozana Aljohani.

            Introductions: Dr. Toppin provided welcoming remarks and thanked the Advisory           Board members and all in attendance for their partnership and support. Attendees introduced themselves. 

II.        Approval of Minutes from November 15, 2015 meeting: Ms. Abby Turano made a        motion to approve meeting minutes, Ms. Bettina Gardner 2nd the motion. Meeting minutes were approved by the board after the language on the feedback to the Advisory Board Feedback section was revised.

III.       Old Business:

A. NASPAA Reaccreditation: Dr. Elonge, Chairperson, provided the following overview of Clark Atlanta University, the Department, and ASPAA Accreditation Standards. The PAD is accredited by the Network of Schools in Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA). Accreditation occurs in 7 year cycles. The PAD has been accredited three times: 1997, 2003, 2010. The University pays annual dues to NASPAA which provides Core Competencies for all Public Administration Programs – Nationally & Internationally. The PAD has requested a one-year reaccreditation extension due to leadership and staffing changes. The next accreditation visit is scheduled for 2016-2017 academic year with the self-study in 2015-2016. The PAD expects full Advisory Board Involvement in the Site Visit through interviews with Site Visit Teams and having knowledge of PAD Program & NASPAAA Standards.

B. CAU & PAD Updates: Dr. Elonge advised the Public Administration Department is in the process of hiring a new faculty for Fall 2016. He is encouraged by the direction of the new CAU President Dr. Ronald Johnson and is hopeful the PAD will continue to receive support and sound academic leadership. Regarding Faculty Development, Drs. Toppin and Oyerinde had favorable responses in teaching, research, and service on their Third Year Reviews by the School of Arts and Science Promotion and Tenure Committee.

III.       New Business:

A. PASA Update & Banquet: Dr. Franklin invited the Board Members to attend the PASA banquet on Saturday, April 2, 2016, in the Thomas W. Cole Research Center.  PASA President Earl Watson provided an overview of PASA events for 2016.

B. Guest Speaker Invitations:  Dr. Toppin invited the Board members to serve as guest speakers for the PAD classes.

B. PAD Mission Statement & NASPAA Standard 5 – Matching Operations with the Mission: Dr. Elonge provided an overview of the NASPAA Reaccreditation Process and the Self-Study requirements. Board members and attendees were provided a copy of the NASPAA Standard 5 – Matching Operations with the Mission. Standard 5.1 Universal Required Competences requires the program to adopt a set of required competencies related to its mission and public service values. The PAD’s self-study will be based on the following Required Competences: 1. To analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions; 2. To lead and manage in public governance; 3. To communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry. Board members and attendees were then asked to provide preliminary feedback on the following questions:

1. What do you expect PAD students to know and be able to do? Group response summary: computer skills (Micro Soft Office Suite), reputable sources, professionalism, communication skills, ability to think on their feet, fiscal management, critical thinking, problem solving, technology integration, social media ethics & utilization, HRMIS, GIS.

2. How would you assess how well students are meeting these student learning expectations? Group response summary: internship outcomes, project based courses, evaluation of students (i.e., assessment & presentations)

3. How do you use assessment results for continuous program improvement? Discussion tabled due to lack of time.

4. How does the mission align with the PAD’s mission? Discussion tabled due to lack of time.

E. Committee Assignments: Dr. Toppin provided an overview of the Advisory Board’s Committees. Board members discussed their experience and willingness to serve on the following committees:

Fundraising: Rationale:  NASPAA Accreditation Standard 6 Matching Resources with the Mission Section 6.1 Resource Adequacy: The program will have sufficient funds, physical facilities, and resources in addition to its faculty to pursue its mission, objectives, and continuous improvement.
Chairperson: Dr. Oyerinde

Mentoring: Rationale: NASPAA Accreditation Standard 5 Matching Operations with the Mission: Student Learning Section 5.4 Professional Competencies: The program will ensure that students learn to apply their education, such as through experiential exercises and interactions with practitioners across the broad range of public affairs, administration, and policy professions and sectors.
Chairperson: Dr. Franklin
Members: Dr. Timothy Etson, Ms. Abby Turano, Ms. Bettina Gardner

Recruiting: Rationale: NASPAA Accreditation Standard 4 - Matching Operations with the Mission: Serving Students Section 4.1 Student Recruitment: The program will have student recruitment practices appropriate for its mission.
Chairperson: Dr. Toppin
Members: Dr. Priscilla Oliver

IV.       Adjournment

            Meeting adjourned at 3:58 p.m.

Advisory Board Members